I Don’t Need Anymore Snacks

I am an “open-one-bag-at-a-time person”. I detest having multiple boxes of cereal or several bags of chips open at once. I like to open one bag, finish the contents of said bag, then to move on to the next bag. I’m anal like that.

DJ was not. DJ was an “I-need-to-open-every-snackbag-in-the-house-and-taste-it-all” kind of person. And, DJ didn’t have to wait until she got home to taste everything, either. As soon as we were loading up grocery bags into the back of the car, I would see her in the rearview mirror digging around in the grocery bags. She would find whatever snack, or bag of chips, or chocolate bar was buried beneath the groceries, dig it out, rip it open, and taste it right there and then. Sometimes, most of the time, she would bring me something from that bag to taste along with her. Sometimes, she just ate it standing outside of the car, with the hatch wide open, wasting air conditioner. I often found that aggravating. I also wondered what people thought as they walked past our car seeing this tall, attractive woman digging into grocery bags and eating food right out of them.

One of our favorite places to shop for different foods was World Market. I went there yesterday to look for a specific piece of furniture and I saw DJ everywhere I went but especially, in the food aisles. I did my best to avoid those aisles but while waiting for someone to bring my furniture up to the front, I found their clearance section and saw several bags of chips I thought might be interesting to taste, so I bought them and brought them home.

I am debating whether or not to open them all and taste everything, the way DJ used to do. It goes against my nature but I miss her exuberance when she tasted something that she enjoyed. I miss her asking me to close my eyes and “taste this!”. Looking back, I’m so glad she did that. So glad she got to taste and experience as much as she did. She was right to do it and to experience all the flavors that life had to offer.

I think I’ll go and open a bag or two and see what new flavors are waiting for me.

Food I Need Love

Monica View All →

I enjoy reading and have blogged in the past about travel and books. My latest blog is a vanity blog. I write about whatever comes to mind, specifically, things I think I need in life. Hope you enjoy!

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